Roy is originally from Texas. In 2003 he was introduced to Thai Massage and fell in love with it. He decided to further his massage studies by becoming a CMT in Virginia in 2007. Roy moved to Lexington, KY in 2012 and transferred his massage license from Virginia to Kentucky. Thai Massage is Roy's massage foundation and he continues to strengthen that foundation by traveling to Thailand to continue his studies or bringing instructors to Lexington, to teach this very special style of massage. Roy uses Thai techniques in all of his massages to create space in the body that help relieve pain and discomfort. Roy also uses Reiki to work on the body's subtle energies. When not doing massages he can be found writing Haiku or practicing calligraphy.
Brenda is originally from Lexington and she has studied Thai Massage since 2004. She also was introduced to Thai Massage in 2003 and being a Yoga Instructor she loved the Thai way of giving a massage. She also became a CMT in Virginia in 2007. Brenda transferred her massage license from Virginia to Kentucky in 2012. Thai Massage is her foundation, but she explores other modalities such as Ahsiatsu and Ashi-Thai as well as Cupping/Scraping. When not doing massages Brenda can be found making Quilts, reading a good book or working on adding to her collection of Dragons.
Lion and Dragon Yoga Bodyworks
2375 Professional Heights Drive Ste 260 Lexington, KY 40503 US